Quick Start Home Solar Guide

Hey Shrewsbury! Today, we are celebrating the sunny summer weather and discussing solar power with a Quick Start Home Solar Guide. 

Residential solar power works by harnessing sunlight through solar panels installed on your roof or property. These panels contain photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter then transforms this DC electricity into alternating current (AC), which is the type used by most home appliances. By generating your own electricity, you can reduce or even eliminate your dependence on the grid, leading to lower energy bills. Additionally, solar power is a clean, renewable source of energy, reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to environmental sustainability. Many homeowners also benefit from incentives such as tax credits or rebates, making solar installations more affordable and financially advantageous in the long run. 

Wondering what Shrewsbury is doing to advance solar locally?  

There is a total of 6.9MW of solar power in Shrewsbury. 5.5MW from two utility scale systems, plus another 1.4MW of customer-owned solar. The Town is working on: 

  • The Beal school is set up for solar installation. 
  • The Town completed a solar array to offset electricity costs at a local water treatment plant. 
  • The Police Station is pursuing building solar capacity on its buildings. 
  • SELCO maintains its own solar field to generate renewable power. 


4 Steps to Start Your Solar Journey 

  1. Check your home’s solar potentialMake sure your home is well positioned to host solar panels and generate energy. Your home’s solar potential measures how the sun covers your area and how much energy you can generate as a result. 
    1. Use the Project Sunroof solar potential tool. 
  2. Calculate your solar savings. After you’ve checked your solar potential, calculate how much money you could save on your energy bill by switching to solar.  
    1. Use the EnergySage solar savings calculator. 
  3. Explore incentives and rebates. There are many, many resources out there to encourage and support homeowners interested in acquiring solar for their home.  
    1. Take advantage of SELCO incentives, including a 0% home solar loan! 
  4. Find local contractors. Get connected with the right company and professionals to install your solar project. 
    1. Use the Mass Clean Energy Center search tool. 


Can’t pursue home solar? 

Check out SELCO’s Community Solar Program instead to support solar and go renewable.