Ensuring that natural resources and public lands are protected and accessible to all. 

Tree Canopy & Open Space

Conservation Brings Climate Benefits

Shrewsbury is home to parks, forests, and wetlands that provide a multitude of benefits: clean air and water, shade and cooling, stormwater mitigation, carbon sequestration, and recreational opportunities. Preserving and enhancing open spaces, tree cover, habitats, and water resources through smart management practices will be crucial to the Town’s ability to adapt as climate change impacts like flooding, extreme storms, and heat intensify.  

Tree Canopy & Open Space

Tree Equity Across Shrewsbury

The majority of open space in Shrewsbury (71%) is owned by the Town and is managed for emerging threats like invasive species. The Town has also increased the percentage of conservation land over time and is exploring opportunities to expand the percentage of land that is under conservation status.

In addition, Shrewsbury's Tree Equity Score is high across the entire community, ranging from 80 to 100 in each census block group. A score of 100 means that the neighborhood has achieved the percentage of tree canopy recommended for that particular area (in Shrewsbury, 50% tree canopy is recommended). Shrewsbury has met canopy cover goals in most neighborhoods, ensuring those residents have equitable access to trees and their many benefits, but falls below the goal of 50% canopy cover in a few areas that can be prioritized in the future for planting projects. Take a look at the map to learn more.


Lake Quinsigamond

The Town of Shrewsbury is working to restore and protect wetlands and buffer zones along local bodies of water to improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat. With its north-south orientation along the eastern edge of the Worcester metropolitan area, Lake Quinsigamond has special significance as a regionally important wildlife migratory corridor. As an important surface and groundwater resource, the Town is committed to protecting the lake’s watersheds and surrounding land in aquifer recharge areas by regularly monitoring water quality and removing invasive species.

What You Can Do

Protect Our Shared Natural Resources

Practice native landscaping to mitigate invasive species
Volunteer with the Lake Quinsigamond Watershed Association
Check out Shrewsbury's Parks & Recreation facilities