Simple Actions, Big Impact

Everyone can make a difference. Make a simple change in your everyday life to reduce waste, save water and energy, or actively commute and you can help the Town of Shrewsbury become a more resilient and sustainable place to live.  

Climate Change in Shrewsbury

Check your carbon footprint with the EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator
Learn 300 years of fossil fuel history in 300 seconds
Tips for explaining climate change to younger generations
Learn about Massachusetts' climate goals

Clean Energy & Efficient Buildings

Explore local residential solar incentives
Participate in SELCO's community shared solar program
Take simple steps for a sustainable home
Get a free home energy assessment

Resilient Operations

Subscribe to Emergency Alerts through CodeRED
Build a ready-to-go emergency kit
Learn about climate resilience and identify risks and actions
Prepare for extreme heat

Smart Waste & Water Management

Know what materials are recyclable
Install an efficient showerhead to save gallons each shower
Explore water conservation tips for landscaping

Sustainable Transportation

Find an EV charger and plan your trip
Explore local incentives for electric vehicles
Walk or bike on Shrewsbury's trails

Vibrant Natural Resources

Practice native landscaping to mitigate invasive species
Volunteer with the Lake Quinsigamond Watershed Association
Check out Shrewsbury's Parks & Recreation facilities