Resilient Operations

Preparing our municipal operations for climate change through enhanced processes and policies, emergency management, and communications.

Emergency Management

Creating a Resilient Energy System

Shrewsbury has already experienced impacts associated with climate change, such as flooding, extreme storms, drought, and heat waves. Preparing our municipal operations for climate change through enhanced processes and policies, emergency management, and communications will be essential to enhancing and protecting Shrewsbury’s critical assets and infrastructure in the future.

For example, the Town aims to ensure continuity of services for SELCO, our municipal utility, by assessing the need for backup fuel and alternate interconnections. SELCO is pursuing a leased utility-scale battery storage system to assist in peak shaving efforts and is in the process of upgrading the distribution system to a higher capacity system meant to handle increased demand and grid outages.

SELCO Repairs
Road Closed Sign

Emergency Management


Shrewsbury is proactively investing in enhancing emergency systems and resources. CodeRED is an emergency notification service that notifies residents via telephone, cell phone, text, and email about emergency situations. The system is capable of sending messages to specific neighborhoods, certain groups, or the entire community.

21,133 Shrewsbury residents are signed up to receive the Town's emergency alerts. Are you? To add your cell phone, work phone, or email, visit our community enrollment page

Municipal Operations

Organizational Sustainability

While reducing emissions is key to mitigating the impacts of climate change, it is but one part of the Town’s strategy. Fostering a culture of collaboration and efficiency, involving Town staff across departments and divisions, and ensuring that the Town’s systems and services are prepared for short- and long-term climate impacts will be key to realizing a stronger and more resilient government. 

Shrewsbury aims to integrate sustainability and climate action principles across all Town departments and municipal operations. Current initiatives include: 

  • Centralized Procurement: Consolidating municipal purchasing to improve efficiencies and reduce waste.
  • Digitization: Working to digitize Town documents, driving Town operations towards a paperless environment.
  • Open Gov Platform: Centralizing municipal data collection and tracking to increase efficiency and provide more in-depth analyses.

Town of Shrewsbury Announcement

What You Can Do

Be Prepared and Stay Safe

Subscribe to Emergency Alerts through CodeRED
Build a ready-to-go emergency kit
Learn about climate resilience and identify risks and actions
Prepare for extreme heat