3 Ways to Electrify Your Home

Hey Shrewsbury! Today, we are looking at how you can electrify your home with local and national resources. As the air begins to cool this fall season, consider getting ahead of the game by replacing your outdated or costly oil or gas home heating and cooking systems with more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable electric ones. 

3 Ways to Electrify Your Home 

Quick tip: Before you start, get a free home energy audit from SELCO to identify insulation leaks and upgrades you can make to set your home up for electrification success.  


  1. Switch to a heat pump home heating and cooling system.  

Electric heat pumps allow you to heat and cool specific areas in your home, meaning you use energy only where you need to. They are also energy efficient, meaning you can save more money on your energy bills compared to traditional oil and gas systems. Read up on heat pumps in Rewiring America’s Heat Pump Guide 

Take advantage of SELCO’s rebates and save up to $10,000 on your heat pump project. 


  1. Upgrade your gas home cooking system by going electric. 

Traditional gas-powered stovetops are often considered superior to electric systems, but the opposite is true. Not only do electric systems emit far less plant-warming greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), but they also cook more evenly, cost far less to use, and produce none of the dangerous indoor air pollutants that gas stovetops do.  

Use Rewiring America’s electric stove guide to identify upfront costs and earn up to $250 in rebates from SELCO for your induction new range.  


  1. Replace your old home appliances with electric, high-efficiency models.  

Outdated appliances like washers, dryers, and refrigerators are often energy         wasteful, meaning they use more energy to do the same job that newer, energy-    efficient models would need. These appliances not only emit more GHGs due to     their lack of efficiency, but they also rack up higher energy bills every month.  

Use SELCO’s rebates and save on your next purchase of electric, energy efficient     appliances.